Therapists, Counselors, and Educators:

Empowering children with social skills has never been   so achievable. 

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Take a peek at our curriculum!  

What is Casey's Clubhouse?

A mental health hearty curriculum that teaches fundamental social & emotional skills through the stories of lovable, relatable & engaging animated characters.
When it comes to social-emotional learning, we don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. That's why we've developed a curriculum which rotates through different approaches to learning, so kids can absorb and retain skills in ways that apply to them. 
  • 30 animated chapter videos with 30 corresponding animated lessons split into 5-session units that actually keeps kids engaged
  • 30 take-home activities to further reinforce learning, and involve family & friends in the journey
  • "Coloring book" style of animation that encourages kids to "fill in the blanks" and imagine themselves on screen
  • Characters that feel so real, kids refer to them by name when facing their own social challenges

Who uses our Professional Subscription?



Social Workers


Special Ed Teachers

Our curriculum is adaptable for any child specialist or educator to use as they see fit in their private practice, office, or classroom. Our subscription is used by counselors, psychologists, RNs, school counselors, teachers, paraprofessionals, speech therapists, OTs, PTs, and Special Ed teachers, to name a few.

How Can I Implement

Casey's Clubhouse Curriculum?

Our goal is to make our curriculum as adaptable as possible so any therapist, counselor, or educator can use our program in a private practice, community setting, or school. We want to give you a curriculum that adapts to YOUR schedule and feels customizable to your individual needs. 

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How Can I Implement
 Casey's Clubhouse Curriculum? 

Our goal is to make our curriculum as adaptable as possible so any therapist, counselor, or educator can use our program in a private practice, community setting, or school. We want to give you a curriculum that adapts to YOUR schedule and feels customizable to your individual needs as a child-focused professional.

Traditional 30-Week Curriculum

Our traditional 30-Week curriculum runs for a full school year, typically from September to July. Since Casey's story begins at the beginning of fourth grade and ends at the end of the school year, kids feel really connected to our characters' journeys! 

Our lesson plans for the 30-Week Curriculum are formulated for full 75-minute sessions, but can be adapted into 30-minute sessions based on your time constraints. 

Our 30-Week curriculum features six sections of skills: Regulation, Awareness, Determination, Problem-Solving, Confidence, and Mastery. Casey's story is carried and built upon throughout the entire program, helping kids commit to a familiar and reliable storyline while understanding how these important skills relate to the next. They can't wait to see what happens to Casey every week!

Customizable 5 to 10-Week Units

If you're a counselor with a time constraint, we know it's difficult to commit to a 30-Week curriculum. That doesn't mean you should lose out on a valuable program!

Our curriculum features six sections of skills: Regulation, Awareness, Determination, Problem-Solving, Confidence, and Mastery. We have adapted our curriculum so that each of these sections can stand alone to create a 5 or 10-Week curriculum. You can just teach one unit or choose a few, depending on your time constraints.

Our lesson plans can be adapted to run a 75 minute-session per week, a 30-minute session per week, or two 15-minute sessions split between two weeks.
Your Professional Subscription will come with all six units for you to pick and choose between depending on what your group needs.  

Independent Sessions with One-On-One Clients

Our 30-Week curriculum is available to explore with your individual one-on-one clients during weekly therapy sessions. We've developed 50-Minute sessions, including our animated story and lesson, discussion questions, and activities to do with your client. 

Your Professional Subscription comes with a full six sections of skills--Regulation, Awareness, Determination, Problem-Solving, Confidence, and Mastery-- for you to explore in whichever way suits your client the best.  

Skills Categories Catalogue

Every video in our full curriculum is conveniently organized into skills-based sections to make it easier than ever to select a video pertaining to a specific skill. Alongside each video are related printables, activities, coloring pages, and more.

With categories like Building a Friendship, Managing Frustration/Anger, Challenging Negative Thoughts, What To Do About Bullying, and more, you'll have everything you need to show your group or client how Casey and his friends handle specific social challenges.

What does our curriculum teach?

Here are just some of the life skills that kids walk away with after journeying with us. 

Energy Regulation

Learn how to recognize and balance their energy given the environment.


Learn about how positive affirmations can help us believe in ourselves and see our good. 

Re-Routing Negative Thoughts

Learn proven strategies to listen to and channel their negative thinking into more realistic & balanced thoughts. 


Understand perspective and practice which kinds of problems they can work through on their own, and when to get help. 


Explore how their energy, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are all interconnected, and how one can affect the other. 

Friendship Rights & Responsibilities

Learn the rights and responsibilities we all have in friendships, and how to honor others' stories and truths.

Emotional Intelligence

Recognize verbal and nonverbal cues as "clues" into how someone might be feeling, then connect with their own emotions to bridge gaps. 

Believing in Personal Mastery

Learn how to bolster themselves up with their own growth, using personal experiences as evidence, rather than comparing their journey to others. 

Trigger Management

Discover research-backed methods that help them pause and find calm before exploding into anger.

What does our curriculum teach?

Here are just some of the life skills that kids walk away with after journeying with us. 

Energy Regulation

Learn how to recognize and balance their energy given the environment.


Learn about how positive affirmations can help us believe in ourselves and see our good. 

Re-Routing Negative Thoughts

Learn proven strategies to listen to and channel their negative thinking into more realistic & balanced thoughts. 


See and practice which kinds of problems they can work through on their own, and when to get help. 


Explore how their energy, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are all interconnected, and how one can affect the other. 

Friendship Rights & Responsibilities

Learn the rights and responsibilities we all have in friendships, and how to honor others' stories and truths.

Emotional Intelligence

Recognize verbal and nonverbal cues as "clues" into how someone might be feeling, then connect with their own emotions to bridge gaps. 

Believing in Personal Mastery

Learn how to bolster themselves up with their own growth, using personal experiences as evidence, rather than comparing their journey to others. 

Trigger Management

Discover research-backed methods that help them pause and find calm before exploding into anger.

What do I get with my Professional Subscription?

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Comprehensive Curriculum: 5 Pillars of Social Competency

Casey’s Clubhouse is a well-thought-out curriculum based in SEL research and aligned with CASEL standards.

The structure of the curriculum begins with our Five Pillars of Social Competency: Me, Energy, Emotions, Thoughts, and Behaviors. These "pillars" create a foundation for which each of our six main skills are developed, which include: Regulation, Awareness, Determination, Problem-Solving, Confidence, and Mastery.
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30 Chapters of Casey's Adventures

Casey's Adventures follows the daily life of a 4th-grade boy named Casey, and his unique and supportive band of friends. Our stories transform complex academic lessons into rich, relatable vignettes. Each character experiences their own struggles and triumphs as they learn from each other's stories.

Casey feels like a real friend that our kids can depend on. Narrated by Laura Schneider, the creator of the program herself, and enhanced by fun sound effects and music, your club members will look forward to tuning in every week!

Whether you want to teach our full 30-week program, break it up into standalone 5-Week units, or pull skills from individual videos, our Professional Subscription gives you all the opportunities. 
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30 Corresponding Lesson Videos

After every chapter of Casey's Adventures, the story's important lessons are broken down to demonstrate the skills and techniques in a multitude of ways to reach all different kinds of learners. The video format sets up an exciting platform for facilitators to dive deeper into the fundamentals of each lesson during club. 

Skills become something that kids can rely on and apply in the real world, strengthening their confidence to "handle it" when stepping into tough social situations. 
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30 Corresponding Home Activities

Learning is reinforced with a fun and thorough Home Activity after each chapter of Casey's Adventures. Club Members can either access these through their Student Add-On Membership (offered at a discount through this subscription), or you can print them off for each member before the club session. 

Not only do our Home Activities bolster learning and growth, but it promotes kids to involve their family in their journey as a way to practice - and proudly show off - their new skills!


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Facilitator Training Course

We want to help you use our curriculum in your private practice, Casey's Club, or in your school.

In order to do that, we have put together a comprehensive training program that teaches you the ideas and theories behind the curriculum, how to use the stories and lessons with clients or students, how to encourage and promote parent involvement, how to build a club, and how to use assessment forms.
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Detailed Lesson Plans and Activities

Our 30-Chapter Curriculum comes complete with 30 Lesson Plans, which outline the agenda of each club session and includes step-by-step lesson activity instructions to help facilitators transition smoothly from one segment to the next. 

Lesson Plans include ample space for note-taking, a handy preparation list, and an area to manage attendance. 
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Suggested Client Forms and Assessments

We have created editable Client Form Templates like registration letters, disclosure statements, parent agreement forms, and more, to make starting and maintaining your own club easier. 

Perhaps one of the most important parts of our curriculum, we provide editable Parent and Child Assessment forms to help facilitators track the progress of their club members and inform parents on how their child is learning. Our Assessments are complete with instructions for facilitators and parents on how to read them and gauge progress. 
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Discounted Student Add-On Memberships

Your Build-A-Club Subscription comes with a discount code to offer to each of your club members so they can purchase our Student Add-On Membership at a discounted rate of $59 (originally $99). 

The Student Add-On Membership allows your club members to access the same curriculum you teach during club at home, so they can print out worksheets, rewatch chapters and lessons, and share what they're learning with their family. 
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Parent Support Resources

Alongside our foundational curriculum for Casey's Kids, you'll have access to 30 Parent Support Lessons and Activities to help support your club members' parents. These lessons and activities help parents learn how to best support their child during this process, and how to better problem-solve through difficult parenting moments at home.  

As our company grows, our content will, too! We are looking forward to offering live parenting sessions and additional support in the future, all of which will be accessible to you and your club members' parents through your subscription!
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instant access to our training & curriculum

Once you purchase, you'll receive...

Instant access to the entire Casey's Clubhouse Curriculum and Training
An email welcoming you to Casey's Clubhouse
Guaranteed support from our team
A purchase invoice (also available to view in your account)

Who is a typical Casey's Kid?

The Casey's Clubhouse curriculum serves kids in 1st-8th grade who have had social or emotional challenges due to negative environments or situations, psychological difficulties, or physiological differences. These challenges have led to social skills deficits, exclusion, disconnection, and social delays.

Our curriculum has supported kids with:
  • ADHD
  • Generalized anxiety
  • Social anxiety
  • Depression
  • Autism
Some children recognize their need for a friendship group and others do not. Please note that children who are severely dysregulated do tend to need smaller groups or more individual focus. 

Who is a typical Casey's Kid?

The Casey's Clubhouse curriculum serves kids in 1st-6th grade who have had social or emotional challenges due to negative environments or situations, psychological difficulties, or physiological differences. These challenges have led to social skills deficits, exclusion, disconnection, and social delays.

Our curriculum supports kids with:
  • ADHD
  • Generalized anxiety
  • Social anxiety
  • Depression
  • Autism
Some children recognize their need for a friendship group and others do not. Please note that children who are severely dysregulated do tend to need smaller groups or more individual focus. 

What does a typical Casey's Club look like? 

  • Gong In

    Club members show a friendly greeting and breathe calmly as the gong rings. Casey’s Club officially begins! 
  • Sharing and Caring

    Club members share "what's up!" They talk about their thoughts, feelings, and work with their other clubmates and listen as clubmates share with them. 
  • Casey's Adventures

    Club members gather and watch Casey’s weekly story and lesson. 
  • Lesson Discussion

    Club members share their thoughts about the week’s chapter and listen as facilitators teach the lesson more in depth. 
  • Activity

    Club members play a game, work on a project, or do an activity with the group to reinforce the lesson and have fun!
  • 3 Gs: Gab, Grub, Games!

    Club members have a chance to chat, snack, and play with their other clubmates, encouraging friendly interactions!
  • It's a WRAP

    Clean up and regroup. Clubmates count their tokens and earn a bead on their necklace or a sticker for a job well done.
  • Gong Out

    Club members breathe calmly as the gong rings.
    Casey’s Club officially ends!

How Does Casey's Clubhouse Work?

Casey's Clubs are social groups designed to facilitate the development of social, emotional, and life skills for children. A typical Casey's Club is a full school-year commitment and runs from September to early June. Don't have the time and resources for a full school-year curriculum? That's just fine. Our six sections of skills can be divided into standalone units, turning a 30-week curriculum into 5-week segmented units. 

These clubs reinforce and enhance children's skillsets, while also introducing new skills. They provide an opportunity for children to have connections outside of their day-to-day lives, make new friends, and take the time to learn about themselves. From basic to advanced skills, the curriculum can adapt to the group. 

We understand that making and keeping friends can be challenging for many kids. Whether social issues arise from common friendship issues or skills deficits, many kids need a safe place to relate, reboot and regroup.

Our 30-week curriculum helps kids:
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  • learn self-regulation to better communicate, approach, cooperate, and engage with others.
  • increase self-awareness to become more responsible, communicate better, assert themselves, and increase empathy towards themself and others. 
  • discover personal determination to set their sights on successful interactions, relational competency, and assertion of self. 
  • effectively problem-solve to increase their cooperation, communication, responsibility, and reliability with and to others. 
  • develop self-confidence with the experience of positive communication and problem-solving and engagement with others.
  • experience a mastery of skills to reinforce the whole experience.
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How Does Casey's Clubhouse Work?

Casey's Clubs are social groups designed to facilitate the development of social, emotional, and life skills for children. A typical Casey's Club is a full school-year commitment and runs from September to early June. Don't have the time and resources for a full school-year curriculum? That's just fine. Our six sections of skills can be divided into standalone units, turning a 30-week curriculum into 5-week segmented units. 

These clubs reinforce and enhance children's skillsets, while also introducing new skills. They provide an opportunity for children to have connections outside of their day-to-day lives, make new friends, and take the time to learn about themselves. From basic to advanced skills, the curriculum can adapt to the group. 

We understand that making and keeping friends can be challenging for many kids. Whether social issues arise from common friendship issues or skills deficits, many kids need a safe place to relate, reboot and regroup.

Our 30-week curriculum helps kids:
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  • learn self-regulation to better communicate, approach, cooperate, and engage with others.
  • increase self-awareness to become more responsible, communicate better, assert themselves, and increase empathy towards themself and others. 
  • discover personal determination to set their sights on successful interactions, relational competency, and assertion of self. 
  • effectively problem-solve to increase their cooperation, communication, responsibility, and reliability with and to others. 
  • develop self-confidence with the experience of positive communication and problem-solving and engagement with others.
  • experience a mastery of skills to reinforce the whole experience.

Are you ready to start empowering kids with skills?

Gain access to our complete curriculum and training as soon as you click subscribe. 

100 Day Free Trial!

Try out our curriculum risk-free to see if it's right for you. You'll get an email reminder before your credit card is charged. Cancel anytime within your trial period. 

Yearly Subscription

For professionals who want to build and run a Casey's Club as a supportive or therapeutic group in a private practice or school setting, or use independently with clients.
  • Licensed for use by two facilitators through same login
  • Access to entire Casey's Clubhouse Curriculum (30 Stories, 30 Lessons, 30 Home Activities), customizable to your unique application  
  • 20 Discounted Student Membership Add-ons
  • Facilitator Training, Lesson Plans, and Troubleshooting
  • Club Forms and Assessments Templates
  • Parent Support Resources
  • iOS or Android mobile apps for on-the-go access
  • Bonus! 2 Discounted Professional Memberships to share

100-Day Free Trial!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be certified to teach Casey's Clubhouse Curriculum in my club?

We offer an online training course for therapists, facilitators, teachers, and other child-focused specialists. We highly recommend that facilitators take the training course and review the materials before they use them in individual therapy, group therapy, a social club, or a classroom. We do not certify professionals for this program. Each profession follows a code of ethics when using therapeutic or educational material with children. 

What credentials or qualifications do I need to use or teach the Casey's Clubhouse Curriculum? Do I need to be licensed? 

Because Casey’s curriculum has both therapeutic and educational benefits, we have expanded our offer of the material to therapists, child specialists, and educators so more children can benefit from the program. Thus, if opening a therapeutic group, we expect professionals to be up-to-date with their specific license and legally treat and educate their clients or students. We leave the licensing boards to oversee their own professionals.

Can I run a Casey's Club as a non-therapeutic club? 

Yes. We ask that all facilitators are child-focused professionals, thus you can run Casey’s Club as a non-therapeutic club for non-therapeutic group members. Basically, it would be an educational club rather than therapeutic.

Can I run an online Telehealth Casey's Club?

Can Casey’s Clubhouse be run online? Yes! Especially if the therapist is trying to connect with a difficult to reach or remote population. So many clients are turning to Telehealth and Casey’s online program works well as an online club.
The best way to run a Casey’s Club online:
  • Each child has their own Casey’s membership, which we have discounted to $59 a year for affordability. (Once you purchase your Build a Club subscription, you’ll see a link through your account information that you can send your clients to purchase their discounted student membership.)
  • Parents monitor child’s pre-club viewing of the stories and lesson so they are prepared for the online club.
  • Therapists will need a secure online conference platform for discussion and games.
  • Children do their home activity after each session so that they can share it during the next group session.
  • Therapists schedule and lead at least 3 parent groups meetings during the year, sharing the parent videos for discussion.

Do my club members need to have their own login access to the curriculum?

We have found that it benefits most club members to have their own account with parent management. This gives children the opportunity to watch the videos as many times as they like, access the coloring pages and home activities whenever they would like, and earn some certificates for their hard work throughout each section. Most children who are in therapeutic or social clubs will have their own logins for access to their own membership. In some cases, the child might not need a login. Individual therapists or child specialists might just use the videos during a session to share with a child. And in some cases, a classroom might show the videos and print out the home activities for children to do in class. Professionals who are using the curriculum do get discount codes to allow students access to a login and a membership. We do recommend that children have access to the program.

Can my club members go through this curriculum independently?  

Parents, facilitators, therapists, and teachers are important mentors to help children work through Casey’s curriculum. They are needed to help identify what children understand, process how it applies to their own experiences, and integrate it into their world. When students do have their own membership and login, they might go through the material on their own. They might watch videos as their curiosity takes them to the next adventure. As long as the children have mentors to process the material, we have found that those curious enough to move ahead tend to get a lot out of the program.

What if Casey's Clubhouse ends up not working out for me? 

We offer a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you discover that our curriculum isn't right for you within 30 days of purchasing, please contact us at for a refund.

If you choose to cancel your subscription within the 12 months through your Account Dashboard, you will still have access to the subscription for the remainder of the 12 months before you lose access. 
Note: If you are a parent whose child is a part of a local Casey’s Club, it means a professional has purchased a subscription to license and use our program. The application of the program as well as all other business decisions are based on their independent company or organization. 

Is internet access required?

While most of our accompanying pdf lessons, activities, and worksheets are downloadable and printable, the Casey's Clubhouse chapter videos do require internet access and are not available for download.

Is the curriculum mobile friendly?

Yes! While our website and curriculum will look the prettiest when viewed on a desktop or laptop, the entirety of the Casey's Clubhouse Curriculum is designed to be accessed through desktop, tablet, and phones. Check out our mobile app in the Apple Store or Play Store. If something isn't displaying correctly, please contact us so we can help troubleshoot the issue!