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Casey's animated stories, lessons, and activities provide a resource for therapists and educators working with children ages 6-12 to demonstrate and teach mental health skills through a social-emotional lens. We provide the tools, you provide the expertise. Our goal is to enhance your work with children by providing an additional mode of learning.
Our professional subscription offers a 30-week SEL curriculum to guide children through a full school year of learning; six 5-week programs that focus in on specific categories of skills; and individual lessons to use as needed. Teach in small groups or with individual clients, therapeutically or educationally. Our curriculum is complete with lesson plans, activities, worksheets, training, suggested forms and assessments, and of course, our engaging and relatable suite of animated videos.
As a parent, you know a lot of skills that you'd like to pass down to your children. But sometimes it's difficult to create the space and language to connect with our children on their level and teach them important life skills, like managing frustration energy or navigating negative thought pitfalls.
So let's partner up. Learn more about our Parent-Led Enrichment Curriculum, which leads you and your child through succinct, research-backed, and engaging animated lessons that helps families build that common language to talk about our social well-being.
Meet Casey.
Watch as Casey runs into a problem that a lot of kids experience, too: getting stuck in the bad happenings of our day and accepting it as our fate.
Casey becomes a true friend to children who they can refer to by name. Don't be surprised if you start hearing things like: "I'm having a bad day just like Casey. Let's keep watching to see how I can use my skills to turn this around."
What's included in the Casey's Clubhouse Curriculum?
You can either lead club members or clients through the entire 30-Week curriculum, from Regulation to Mastery, or you can choose one of our skills-building units for a 5 or 10-Week curriculum.
Not only do you get access to all 30 of our animated stories and lessons, but you'll get a selection of lesson plans and instructions, worksheets, home activities, posters, coloring pages, and more.
Our professional subscription includes everything you need for whichever application you choose--whether that's our 30-Week program, our 5-Week units, or our independent one-on-one client curriculum.
What is a Student Add-On Membership?
What is a Student Add-On Membership?
Let's be clear:
We don't think there's anything controversial about learning empathy, or being emotionally regulated and resilient.
In fact, we think a lot of grown-ups could benefit from some social-emotional learning.
Powered by the Magic of Animation!
with a comprehensive animated social-emotional curriculum that:
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Becoming a member with us means that you get:
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social-emotional curriculum that teaches:
Regulation: Developing calming skills so kids can regulate their energy, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in ways that make sense to their unique selves.
Awareness: Learning observational and mindfulness skills so kids can be aware of how they're feeling on the inside, and what's happening around them.
Determination: Identifying goals, assessing them in relation to their ability to get there, coming up with the steps, and then putting the steps into action.
Problem-Solving: Creating a framework to conceptualize and organize problems of varying degrees, and finding healthy solutions to those problems.
Confidence: Following a bill of fair, respectful, and compassionate Friendship Rights and Responsibilities to increase advocacy skills and self-worth.
Mastery: Feeling confident in the ability to use a skill so effectively, easily, and appropriately, that they can successfully teach another. Great for supporting our Peer Leaders.
When you become a member with us, you get:
30 animated stories and lessons about Casey and his friendship struggles and successes.
A comprehensive curriculum of lesson plans, home activities, worksheets, coloring pages, music, and more.
Ample resources for the grown-ups in a child's life.
Guaranteed assistance and customer service.
The amazing feeling that comes with making a difference in kid's lives, without having to reinvent the wheel to do so.