New!  Casey's Workbooks fresh off the press.

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Parents, Therapists, Counselors, and Schools
look to us when kids ages 6-12:

  • Struggle to make & keep friends
  • Need help recognizing social cues
  • Have trouble regulating their energy
  • Let anxiety lead their life
  • Constantly compare themselves to others
  • Are stuck in negative thought spirals
  • Explode with anger & BIG feelings
  • Shy away from social opportunities
  • Give up after making mistakes
Casey's Clubhouse empowers kids with SKILLS, all through an engaging animated series about characters who show us a roadmap to resiliency:
how to navigate tough social situations with goals of regulation, mindfulness, empathy, problem-solving, and confidence.

"From a parent’s perspective, Casey’s Clubhouse has been such a welcome and important piece of my son’s social development.

Navigating the dynamics of starting and maintaining healthy friendships is something every parent wants for their child, and Casey’s Clubhouse helped my son do exactly that. It was amazing to see how my son began to grasp social fundamentals that he uses to this day in school and other activities.”

- A Proud Parent

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What Makes Casey's Clubhouse Different?

It's animated.

Our animated series is engaging, original, and accessible, making it fun to learn! Casey begins to feel like a real friend that kids can depend on, and the animated format helps break through the complexity of tough social situations. The skills we teach are comprehensible, memorable, and applicable to the real world!

It feels familiar and cozy.

Our animated stories are all part of the same series, told by a sole narrator with a distinct and spirited voice, which creates a familiar and inviting environment for kids to return to again and again. Think of that timeless bedtime story, or a tale told 'round the campfire.

It allows for individual experience. 

Like a coloring book, the characters are presented as black-and-white line drawings, which allows kids to imagine their own identities and experiences as they watch the animated videos. It's a proven technique to help children integrate skills more easily into their own lives! 

It uses real-life application.

Life isn't just a series of clean-cut problems and solutions. 
We tell stories where relatable problems arise realistically and solutions are found through consideration and experience, which helps students practice the process of applying skills in the real world. Life is not a textbook of monotonous skills, and learning tools shouldn't be either!

How does Casey's Clubhouse  Work? 

1. Watch an animated chapter of Casey's Adventures. 
Kids watch an engaging 8-10 minute episode about Casey and his social happenings at school (think of it like a chapter book come to life!).

2. Watch the corresponding animated lesson. 
Each chapter is accompanied by its matching 5-minute animated lesson, which breaks down the story's keystone moments to demonstrate skills for even greater comprehension.

3. Reinforce learning with Home Activities. 
Skills are reintroduced in fun take-home solo and group activities, so kids can continue to practice and share what they learned with their families and friends.

4. Feel empowered to try on skills, out in the world. 
Kids feel confident to try out their new skills in their own lives and friendships. Applying our research-backed tricks and techniques becomes more and more automatic!

Our Foundational Skills

Our 30-Chapter curriculum is guided by the Six Skills of Social-Emotional Competency outlined below. Each pillar is designed to support and build upon the next, creating a sturdy foundation for skills-building the whole way through!

1. Regulation

The ability to monitor and manage your energy, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. 

2. Awareness

The ability to notice what's going on outside and inside of you. 

3. Determination

The ability to focus your energy, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors toward a certain goal. 

4. Problem-Solving

The ability to react and respond to problems by way of calmly assessing and applying fair solutions.

5. Confidence

The ability to rely on, trust, and believe in yourself and your power in your life and in this world.

6. Mastery

The dedication to learn, practice, and perform something so confidently that you can teach another.
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